

Yerevan, Armenia

We Will Fight For You​

Let’s take the first step together and help you succeed in selling your product.
We are here every step of the way.

We Will Fight
For You​

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One Step Ahead

Why We Are The Best

Our field of work

Trading products of small industries

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Learn all about our experts

Meet The Partners





Kave Gostar




Sina Bams


Sadaf Gostar Delijan Isogam Producing Co

Kaveh Glass Industrial Group




three steps to success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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Establish communication

 Establishing effective connections with business partners and potential customers is one of the most important factors for success in export and import. You should collaborate with reliable and credible business partners and establish good communication with potential customers. Additionally, in establishing a connection with customers, you should have a good understanding of their language, culture, and habits.


Developing an activity plan

 To succeed in export and import, you need to develop a precise and comprehensive action plan. In this plan, you should specify the goals, policies, strategies, schedule, and budget required to carry out the activities.


market research

 To start any export or import activity, you need to have a good understanding of the target market and conduct thorough research on the market, competitors, similar products, regulations and laws of the market, and so on. This will give you a precise understanding of the market and the conditions of doing business in it.

We help you in any transaction

To solve sales and transaction problems, you can focus on the following

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

you deserve the best

With 35 years of business experience

We have a lot of experience

Case Studies

A Revolution in Renewable Energy

Towering like a beacon of hope in Germany’s North Sea stand wind turbines. Stretching as high as 60-story buildings and standing as far as 60

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